Saturday, November 15, 2008

DNA science

DNA science perhaps is one of the most vital sujects nowadays. DNA technology can help mankind to become free from all diseases. If this science is developed further to achieve a disease free world, then it will be truly incredible.

I have visited a great website recently that gave me more information on this amazing subject. Here is the site for your reference

This site really amazing with lots of information on DNA subject. The site is very useful. It opens up fast. It's design is nice too. Besides if you give them your personla profile they will give youa free DNA report.

You can learn about hundreds of genetic tests, conditions, and providers;
You can assess your own genetic risks;
You can get expert advice from their own Board Certified Genetic Counselor; and
You can connect with others to share and discuss a variety of issues on genetics.
I can't find any disadvantages of this wonderful site. May be they can consider lowering their fees .
This site can help many people to know about this great science.


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